
Matches 1 to 856 of 856

 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
1 S1388 100 Years of God's Grace, Bethlehem Ev. Lutheran Church History 1870-1970
Bethlehem Ev. Lutheran Church History 1870-1970, 100 Years of God's Grace 
2 S1472 130 Shared Memories and Stories From Kaukauna and Neighboring Area
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
3 S1485 135 Years and Still on Target
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
4 S1406 1840 United States Federal Census
5 S1119 1850 United States Federal Census 
6 S389 1860 Mortality Schedule, Winneshiek Co., Iowa
7 S1133 1860 United States Federal Census 
8 S1091 1870 United States Federal Census 
9 S1134 1875 Wisconsin State Census
10 S1082 1880 United States Federal Census and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
11 S1421 1885 Minnesota Territorial and State Censuses
12 S1153 1885 Minnesota Territorial and State Censuses, 1849-1905
13 S1130 1890 St Paul City Directory
14 S568 1890 United States Census - Veterams Schedule for US 1890
15 S1198 1895 Biographical Record - Brown, Outagamie and Winnebago Co (WI)
16 S1102 1895 Minnesota Territorial and State Censuses 
17 S1100 1895 St Paul City Directory
18 S499 1895 Wisconsin State Census
Wisconsin. Department of State; State Historical Society of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin) 
19 S1131 1900 St Paul City Directory
20 S1073 1900 United States Federal Census 
21 S1132 1904 St Paul City Directory
22 S490 1905 Wisconsin State Census
Wisconsin. Department of State; State Historical Society of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin) 
23 S1079 1910 United States Federal Census 
24 S733 1920 United States Federal Census 
25 S1164 1921 Tacoma City Directory
26 S738 1930 United States Federal Census 
27 S1116 1940 United States Federal Census 
28 S1488 1FamilyTree Genealogy
29 S841 1FamilyTree Obituary Index
30 S1023 1FamilyTree Registered User Submitted Addition or Correction
1FamilyTree Registered User 
31 S642
Jay Wilpolt and 
32 S1474 28 Mayors Past and Present leadership in Kaukauna
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
33 S898 A Little Ways Ahead: The Centennial History of Thilmany Pulp & Paper Company, Kaukauna, Wisconsin
William W. Bremer 
34 S662 A Strange Twist of Faith, Autobiography, Jean Vandenberg VanDera
Jean Vandenberg VanDera 
35 S1054 Acadia, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1670-1946
Acadia, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1670-1946 
36 S1490 Albert Pennings High School Class of 1976 Yearbook
Albert Pennings High School 
37 S116 Allard Family Bible
38 S1176 Allouez Catholic Cemetery Office (Green Bay, Wisconsin)
39 S736 Ancestry Family Trees
40 S1056 Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
GenealogieOnline. Coret Genealogie. accessed 4 September 2014. 
41 S486 Annie M Fink - Voucher for Pension from death of Henry Fink in Civil War
42 S859 Appleton Community Directory, 1951
Johnson Publishing Co., Manitowoc, Wisconsin 
43 S1431 Appleton High School Class of 1914 Clarion Yearbook
44 S1432 Appleton High School Class of 1915 Clarion Yearbook
45 S1433 Appleton High School Class of 1917 Clarion Yearbook
46 S1434 Appleton High School Class of 1918 Clarion Yearbook
47 S1310 Appleton High School Class of 1919 Clarion Yearbook
48 S1277 Appleton High School Class of 1920 Clarion Yearbook
49 S1308 Appleton High School Class of 1921 Clarion Yearbook
50 S1307 Appleton High School Class of 1922 Clarion Yearbook
51 S1435 Appleton High School Class of 1923 Clarion Yearbook
52 S1437 Appleton High School Class of 1924 Clarion Yearbook
53 S1306 Appleton High School Class of 1925 Clarion Yearbook
54 S1305 Appleton High School Class of 1927 Clarion Yearbook
55 S1304 Appleton High School Class of 1928 Clarion Yearbook
56 S1303 Appleton High School Class of 1929 Clarion Yearbook
57 S1302 Appleton High School Class of 1930 Clarion Yearbook
58 S1301 Appleton High School Class of 1933 Clarion Yearbook
59 S1300 Appleton High School Class of 1934 Clarion Yearbook
60 S1299 Appleton High School Class of 1935 Clarion Yearbook
61 S1313 Appleton High School Class of 1936 Clarion Yearbook
62 S1298 Appleton High School Class of 1937 Clarion Yearbook
63 S1050 Appleton High School Class of 1939 Clarion Yearbook
Appleton High School 
64 S1398 Appleton High School Class of 1940 Clarion Yearbook
65 S1399 Appleton High School Class of 1941 Clarion Yearbook
66 S1400 Appleton High School Class of 1942 Clarion Yearbook
67 S1401 Appleton High School Class of 1943 Clarion Yearbook
68 S1403 Appleton High School Class of 1944 Clarion Yearbook
69 S1404 Appleton High School Class of 1948 Clarion Yearbook
70 S1409 Appleton High School Class of 1949 Clarion Yearbook
71 S1410 Appleton High School Class of 1950 Clarion Yearbook
72 S1411 Appleton High School Class of 1951 Clarion Yearbook
73 S1321 Appleton High School Class of 1952 Clarion Yearbook
74 S1412 Appleton High School Class of 1953 Clarion Yearbook
75 S1413 Appleton High School Class of 1954 Clarion Yearbook
76 S1017 Appleton Post Crescent Anniversary Announcement
77 S1018 Appleton Post Crescent Engagement Announcement
78 S294 Appleton Post Crescent Marriage Announcement
Appleton Crescent,Mackville,Outagamie Co.,WI 
79 S621 Appleton Post-Crescent, Appleton, Wisconsin
80 S1311 Appleton West High School Class of 1945 Yearbook
81 S676 Arnoldussen Family History
Grayce DeBrun and Mary Ellen Hietpas 
82 S520 Article in Darlington paper end of 2000.
83 S904 At Seventy A History of Forest Junction, Wisconsin 1873-1943
Robert Haese 
84 S1420 Augustin Grignon Recollections
Augustin Grignon (1780-1860) 
85 S1126 Bakeman, Mary Harker, Calvary Cemetery, St Paul, Minnesota
86 S693 BAPTISM Diestler, Franklin
87 S696 BAPTISM Diestler, Leonard
88 S1150 Baptismal Certificate - William A Cline
89 S365 Baptismal Register; St. Edward's Catholic Church; Carlsbad, Eddy co., New Mexico; (tdu 25-02-98 zaf).
90 S725 Bay Area Genealogical Society
91 S1402 Bay Area Genealogical Society (BAGS) Grave Site database
92 S918 Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 125th Anniversary, Hortonville, Wisconsin
93 S878 Biographies of prominent people of Appleton and the Fox River valley
Nelson, Charles C. 
94 S386 Birth Announcement
95 S587 Birth Record
96 S1184 Birth Registration
97 S1142 Birth Registration - Catharine Anna Cline
98 S1144 Birth Registration - Florence Cline
99 S1141 Birth Registration - James Marcilinius Cline 1864
100 S1094 Birth Registration - Martin Cline 1860
101 S1154 Birth Registration - Thomas Cline
102 S1145 Birth Registration - Virginia Anna Cline
103 S798 Birthdate is supported by the information given on the Baptismal Certificate. Copy in file.
104 S361 Birthdate on original immigration papers.
105 S1324 Blaney Funeral Home, Green Bay, Wisconsin
106 S1481 Book - Dear Kaukauna Times from Texas
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
107 S974 Books on Film, FHL Film #1862058, Families of Eggink and Welch
Joan D. Marx Waldvogel 
108 S953 Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum online at Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum
Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum 
109 S476 Brainerd Dispatch
110 S1268 Brandenburg, Prussia Emigration Records [database on-line].
Wolfert, Marion, comp. Brandenburg, Prussia Emigration Records [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006. 
111 S90 Brenneis Genealogy; compiled by Margaret Ann Beaman, Windthorst, TX; (tdu 25-02-98 zam)
112 S1323 Brettschneider-Trettin-Nickel Funeral Chapel
113 S374 Brochtrup Family Tree", Bern.Brochtrup/AnneMickeDscndnts, by their ggchildren (from BettyBrooksRademacher). ABBR 300. "Brochtrup Family Tree", Bern.Brochtrup/AnneMickeDscndnts, by their ggchildren (from BettyBrooksRademacher).
114 S930 Broderbund Family Archive Social Security Death Index
115 S80 Brown County Court House 1 (800) 924-0002
116 S1064 Brown County registration of births, ca. 1854-1907
Brown County (Wisconsin). Register of Deeds 
117 S449 Bukowina Families - 200 YEARS; by Edward "Al" Lang; 1993 Catholic Bohemian Families emigrating to Bukowina 1799 - 1842, later to USA
Edward "Al" Lang 
118 S1422 C. J. Pettibone General Store 65th Anniversary
C. J. Pettibone 
119 S786 California Death Index
120 S1159 California Death Index, 1940-1997 
121 S1033 California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (
122 S1182 California, Great Registers, 1866-1910
123 S79 Calumet county Court House Court House (920) 849-2361 Clerk of Court (920) 849-1414
124 S1127 Calvary Cemetery - St Paul, Ramsey MN
125 S1218 Carson City, Nevada, Marriage Index, 1855-1985
Carson City, Nevada, Marriage Index, 1855-1985 
126 S1149 Cathedral of St Paul, St Paul MN - Baptismal records
127 S1075 Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (Milwaukee, Wisconsin). Marriage Registers. Archdiocese of Milwaukee Archives, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
128 S881 Catholic Church in Wisconsin ... : A history of the Catholic Church in Wisconsin from the earliest time to the present day.
Harry Hooper Heming 
129 S1125 Cemetery Records - Calvary Cemetery St Paul MN
130 S1098 Cemetery Records - Mount Carmel Cemetery Hillside IL
131 S240 Cemetery transcription from Wis State Genealogical Newsletter Vol. 36 No3 1/90 ABBR Cemetery transcription from Wis State Genealogical Newsletter Vol. 36 No3 1/90 Cemetery transcription from Wis State Genealogical Newsletter Vol. 36 No3 1/90
132 S1058 Centennial Jubilee St. Francis Parish, Hollandtown, Wisconsin 1848-1948
St. Francis Parish 
133 S602 Certificate of Baptism
Church of Assumption Sponsered by Michael and Lillian Gregorius 
134 S1390 Chicago and North Western Railroad Employment Records, 1935-1970
135 S1211 Chicago and North Western Railroad Employment Records, 1935-1970, Chicago & North Western Historical Society; Berwyn, Illinois; Pensioners Records and History
Chicago and North Western Railroad Employee Records. Chicago & North Western Historical Society, Berwyn, Illinois. 
136 S1103 Chicago City Directory
137 S1208 Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, New London, Wis. Church Records
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, New London, Wis. Church Records 
138 S1146 Church of St Patricks, St Paul MN, Baptismal Register 1884-1948
139 S1081 Church of St Patricks, St Paul MN, Marriage Register 1885-1900
140 S236 Church Records
141 S1273 Church Records Best
142 S1489 Church Records, Ahaus, FHC Film # 1049338
Katholische Kirche Ahaus (Kr. Ahaus) 
143 S1395 Church Records, Borrisokane, FHC Film # , Borrisokane Baptisms and Marriages 1821-1835
144 S1205 Church Records, Buldren, FHC Film # 1046923
Katholische Kirche Buldern (Kr. Koesfeld) 
145 S448 Church Records, Fuerstenthal, FHC Film # 0038942 LDS Library Film #0038942, Fuerstenthal Birth Register 1809-1842
146 S717 Church Records, Fuerstenthal, FHC Film # 1768386 -2, Fuerstenthal Trauungen (Marriages) 1843 - 1889 FHC Film # 1768386
FHC Film # 1768386 
147 S1070 Church Records, Holtwick, FHC Film # 872026 Holtwick Catholic Church Records - Birth, Marriage, Death 1692 - 1770
148 S1071 Church Records, Holtwick, FHC Film # 873108 Holtwick Catholic Church Records - Birth, Marriage, Death 1770 - 1821, Births 1822-1869, Marriages 1822-1860
149 S1459 Church Records, Indoornik, FHC Film # 0108691 Indoornik Baptisms 1666-1811
150 S264 Church Records, Irsch, FHC Film # , Kirchenbuch, 1808-1912
Katholische Kirche Irsch 
151 S59 Church Records, Legden, Geburten, Heiraten, Tote 1815-1826 -- Taufen, Heiraten, Tote 1827-1874 (Juden 1826-1832, 1834 Church Records, Legden Parish 1815 - 1874, Birth, Marriage & Death Film #1048734
Katholische Kirche Legden (Kr. Ahaus) 
152 S983 Church Records, Legden, Heiraten, Tote 1821-1864
Katholische Kirche Legden (Kr. Ahaus) 
153 S984 Church Records, Legden, Taufen 1858-1875 Heiraten 1865-1875
Katholische Kirche Legden (Kr. Ahaus) 
154 S982 Church Records, Legden, Taufen, Heiraten 1698-1782
Katholische Kirche Legden (Kr. Ahaus) 
155 S981 Church Records, Legden, Taufen, Heiraten, Tote 1782-1820 Taufen 1821-1857
Katholische Kirche Legden (Kr. Ahaus) 
156 S985 Church Records, Legden, Tote 1854-1875 Mitgliederliste 1661, 1749
Katholische Kirche Legden (Kr. Ahaus) 
157 S972 Church Records, Niederdonven, FHC Film # 0425080, Roman Catholic parish registers; baptisms, marriages, burials, deaths. Luxembourg, Grevenmacher & Flaxweiler 1683-1821 LDS Film # 0425080
Eglise catholique. Paroisse de Niederdonven (Grevenmacher) (Main Author 
158 S1393 Church Records, Ogonnelloe, FHC Film # Ogonnelloe Catholic Church Records - Baptisms 1832-1869, Marriages 1857-1869
Diocese of Killaloe 
159 S1204 Church Records, Osburg, FHC Film # 0466721 Osburg Catholic Church Records - Heiraten 1799 Tote 1798-1799
Katholische Kirche Osburg (Kr. Trier) (Main Author) 
160 S1061 Church Records, Osburg, FHC Film # 0549643 Osburg Catholic Church Records - Taufen 1813-1830 Heiraten, Tote 1807-1830 Taufen, Heiraten, Tote 1831-1877
Katholische Kirche Osburg (Kr. Trier) (Main Author) 
161 S1378 Church Records, Osterwick, FHC Film # 864337 Osterwick Catholic Church Records - Birth, Marriage, Death Geburten und Taufen, 1558-1898
162 S1380 Church Records, Outagamie County, FHC Film # 1305137, 1305138, 1305139 and 1305140
163 S1062 Church Records, Ruwer, FHC Film # 0530319, 1757-1795
Katholische Kirche Ruwer (Kr. Trier) (Main Author) 
164 S1022 Church Records, Zeeland, FHC Film #0113010,
165 S690 Cincinnati - The Queen City Vol. IV
166 S1106 Circuit Court, Brown County, Wisconsin
167 S891 Civil Records - Familienbach der Pfarrei Ruwer 1680-1854 FHC Film # 1336867
168 S762 Civil Records - Luxembourg Civil Registration, 1793-1923 Gostingen Naissances, mariages, décès 1798-1803 -- Mariages 1824-1825, 1796-1890 -- Décès 1796-1834
169 S326 Civil Records - Microfiche No: 1050911 Ch. of Latter DaySaintsZivilstandsregister, 1798-1851
170 S1005 Civil Records, Luxembourg 1796-1923 LDS Film # 1739816 Luxembourg, Flaxweiler, Beyren, Gostingen, Niederdonven, Oberdonven
Civil Records, Luxembourg 1796-1923 LDS Film # 1739816 
171 S1040 Civil Records, Luxembourg 1796-1923 LDS Film # 1739817 Luxembourg, Flaxweiler, Beyren, Gostingen, Niederdonven, Oberdonven
Civil Records, Luxembourg 1796-1923 LDS Film # 1739817 
172 S1027 Civil Records, Luxembourg 1796-1923 LDS Film # 1739818 Luxembourg, Flaxweiler, Beyren, Gostingen, Niederdonven, Oberdonven
Civil Records, Luxembourg 1796-1923 LDS Film # 1739818 
173 S1065 Civil Records, Michigan, Marriage Records, 1867–1952
174 S1381 Civil Records, Wisconsin, Outagamie County Marriages, FHC Film # 1292400, 1292401, 1292402, 1292403, 1292404, 1292405, 1266882.
175 S1192 Civil War Pension Index General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934
National Archives and Records Administration 
176 S461 Cold Spring Record
177 S752 Collections - State Historical Society of Wisconsin - Reuben Gold Thwaites
State Historical Society of Wisconsin - Reuben Gold Thwaites 
178 S955 Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Brown, Kewaunee and Door, Wisconsin - Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens and of Many of the Early Settled Families - Illustrated
J. H. Beers & Co. 
179 S1011 Commemorative Biographical Record of the Fox River Valley Counties of Brown, Outagamie and Winnebago
J.H. Beers & Co. 
180 S1055 Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawno
Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawno 
181 S1179 Commemorative Biographical Record of the West Shore of Green Bay, Wisconsin
182 S1441 Commonwealth War Graves Commission, London, United Kingdom; The War Graves Of The British Empire, Quarry Cemetery, Montauban Bernafay Wood British Cemetery Montauban Longueval Road Cemetery France
British Commonwealth War Graves Registers, 1914-1918. 
183 S868 Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota (Publ. 1900) Transcribed by Kim Mohler
Kim Mohler 
184 S1114 Cook County, Illinois Death Index, 1908-1988 
185 S615 Daun Family Genealogy
Etta Pethan Gruber, Marie Wilberscheid Dorn, Shari Gray-Dorn 
186 S201 Death card ABBR Death card Death card on Internet
187 S1110 Death Certificate for Ellen Cline 1955
188 S1165 Death Certificate for Ida Cline
189 S1170 Death Certificate for James K Delaney
190 S1123 Death Certificate for Martin Cline
191 S1199 Death Certificate for Mary Delaney
192 S1185 Death Certificate for Paul R Cline
193 S1155 Death Certificate for Thomas J Cline
194 S1120 Death Certificate for William M Cline
195 S1096 Death Record - Martin F Cline
196 S585 Decatur Review
197 S535 Decorah (Iowa) Public Opinion
198 S274 Delayed Birth Certificate ABBR Delayed Birth Certificate
199 S1115 Delayed Record of Birth - Marie Cline
200 S392 Delsman Family Tree
Otto Delsman Source of info is Agnes May Delsman-Sander 
201 S419 Descendants of Heinrich Huinker and Kathrina (Ellert) Huinker
DeEtta Ida Huinker 
202 S366 Descendants of Martin Wilde; compiled by Raymond John Meurer; Roanoke, Texas; 1998; (tdu 06-08-99 org).
203 S536 Descendants of Wessel Kunnen
Laverne Catanzarite 
204 S368 Diary of Hermann Heitkemper
Hermann Heitkemper 
205 S692 Diestler Family Tree
206 S1084 Diocese of Green Bay (WI) Archives holdings
207 S1275 Dutch Emigrants to the United States, South Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia, 1835-1880
208 S1037 Dutch Immigrant Memoirs and Related Writings Paperback – December 1, 1997 by Henry Stephen Lucas (Editor)
by Henry Stephen Lucas (Editor) 
209 S1384 Dutch Immigrants to America, 1820-1880
Swierenga, Robert P. 
210 S1274 Dutch Immigration in U.S. Ship Manifests, 1820-1880: An Alphabetical Listing by Household Heads and Independent Persons. Volume 2
211 S1007 E-mail
212 S1036 Early History of Kaukauna by Mel Raught
Mel Raught 
213 S1207 Early History of the Michael Durick Family
Dick Thompson 
214 S1487 Early Native American Settlers in the Kaukauna area
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
215 S468 Eden Valley Journal
216 S971 Edmund West, comp.. Family Data Collection
Edmund West, comp.. Family Data Collection 
217 S245 Einck Families
Donald and Margaret Einck, R 1, Box 351, 104 Marquis, Denver, Iowa 50622 
218 S563 Engagement announcement ABBR Engagement announcement
219 S624 Enumeration of Soldiers and Sailors of the Late War, Wisconsin 1885 (History)
Secretary of State - Ernst G. Timme 
220 S1059 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Records
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America 
221 S1021 Familienbach der Pfarrei Ruwer 1680-1854 ", Film # 1336867
Church Records, Ruwer, FHC Film # 1336867, 1680-1854 
222 S565 Family Data Collection - Deaths
223 S566 Family Data Collection - Individual Records
224 S1220 Family History Info from Robert Martin
Family History Info from Robert Martin 
225 S427 Family Search Ancestral File - Church of Latter Day Saints
226 S1213 
227 S1169 Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current 
228 S1454 
229 S628 First Dutch Catholics In Brown County
Willem Keeris 
230 S610 Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 
231 S1172 Florida Passenger Lists, 1898-1951 
232 S281 FLORIDA: Historic. Dramatic. Contemporary -- Family and Personal History Vol IV
233 S1135 Fort Howard City Directory
234 S285 Fort Pierce News Tribune
235 S1382 Freedom Area Historical Society
Freedom Area Historical Society 
236 S1354 Freedom High School Class of 1935
237 S1355 Freedom High School Class of 1936
238 S1348 Freedom High School Class of 1940
239 S1347 Freedom High School Class of 1941 Yearbook
240 S1358 Freedom High School Class of 1947
241 S1366 Freedom High School Class of 1948
242 S1349 Freedom High School Class of 1949
243 S1282 Freedom Moravian Church Celebrating 150 Years! 1866-2016
244 S308 From the Cradle to the Grave
Eunice Dessie Pohlman Steibel Dorau 
245 S28 Gedcom Import from wenzelromen.FTW
246 S289 Gedcom import from albert adolf.FTW
247 S95 Gedcom import from AlexandriaHussSandyHussRomenesko.FTW
248 S491 Gedcom import from AltheaAllenPeterBastian.ged
249 S96 Gedcom import from AndyWegnerBernardBrochtrup.ged
250 S290 Gedcom import from anna vandoren.FTW
251 S78 Gedcom import from AnnaHussSandyHussRomenesko.FTW
252 S141 Gedcom import from BarbMiroRiceFamilt.FTW
253 S62 Gedcom import from Barnetttemp.FTW
254 S207 Gedcom import from BeckiusBillZappenRootsweb.ged
255 S87 Gedcom import from Bernard John Wilde.ftw
256 S103 Gedcom import from BernardCampbellfromKathyDukkea.FTW
257 S74 Gedcom import from bernicemicke.FTW
258 S173 Gedcom import from BernieVanDinterKrell.FTW
259 S328 Gedcom import from berres.GED
260 S13 Gedcom import from Biesetemp2.FTW
261 S114 Gedcom import from blindauer1.FTW
262 S47 Gedcom import from BobCarlsonJCoenen2.FTW
263 S52 Gedcom import from Bongers .FTW
264 S76 Gedcom import from brochtruptemp.FTW
265 S10 Gedcom import from Burke.FTW
266 S301 Gedcom import from Carolan.FTW
267 S302 Gedcom import from Chris MiasnikROotswebPeterRuppert.ged
268 S4 Gedcom import from ChristinaHussSandyHussRomenesko.FTW
269 S243 Gedcom import from christopheredwardsJohnKohl.ged
270 S46 Gedcom import from CoonenFamily.GED
271 S248 Gedcom import from CorneliusOudenhovendescendantsfromDanMiron.FTW
272 S269 Gedcom import from CorneliusVanAsten.FTW
273 S529 Gedcom import from DeGroot2fromPaulWest.FTW
274 S11 Gedcom import from Denis & Lynn Verhagen2.FTW
275 S160 Gedcom import from dianeLaFontaineHeesacker.FTW
276 S127 Gedcom import from DickGoetzman.FTW
277 S192 Gedcom import from DonFreichsMagdaleneSIMON.ged
278 S84 Gedcom import from DonWeilerArnoldKempen.FTW
279 S55 Gedcom import from EbbenPaulWest.FTW
280 S146 Gedcom import from EdwardHussSandyHussRomenesko.FTW
281 S105 Gedcom import from EileenParrisGalles.FTW
282 S60 Gedcom import from eitingtemp.FTW
283 S144 Gedcom import from ElizabethHussSandyHussRomenesko.FTW
284 S359 Gedcom import from elsberndtemp.FTW
285 S129 Gedcom import from EmilEbelt fromDionaParker July 2004.FTW
286 S29 Gedcom import from estaellromen.FTW
287 S456 Gedcom Import from Family Records of Jay S. Van Zeeland - Imported from Easy Tree software used prior to Jan 2007.
Jay S. Van Zeeland 
288 S152 Gedcom import from FINKHelenForbeck.FTW
289 S177 Gedcom import from FrancisCoffey Gedcoms for CliffHuss, JohnCoffey, LindaHuss, PatrickGarvey, Rose Gloudemans
290 S256 Gedcom import from FrancisEversLittleChute.FTW
291 S89 Gedcom import from FTM Ledesma Genealogy; Albert F. Ledesma; 109 Sapin Loop, Slidell (New Orleans), LA 70458; (tdu 18-11-97 ftm)
292 S94 Gedcom Import from GeorgeHussSandyHussRomenesko.FTW
293 S48 Gedcom import from GerardKroesLittleChute.FTW
294 S57 Gedcom import from GernerKrellDebbyDixon.FTW
295 S1012 Gedcom import from GiorgiannaKiefferRuppertKieffer.FTW; Living -- Details not included
296 S104 Gedcom import from GlasheenDanGlasheen.FTW
297 S189 Gedcom import from GnadfromNicoleGnadMar2004.ged
298 S16 Gedcom import from HarlanPiettefromVickieFulcer.FTW
299 S263 Gedcom import from HarneyDonahoe.FTW
300 S45 Gedcom import from Heitkemper.GED
301 S86 Gedcom import from henrybmicke.FTW
302 S106 Gedcom import from HenryVerhagen1838fromDenisVerhagen.FTW
303 S176 Gedcom import from HermanAntonRichter.FTW
304 S77 Gedcom import from HermansfromSusanElmore.FTW
305 S12 Gedcom import from HietpasDonnaArmstrong.FTW
306 S259 Gedcom import from IrvinRohloff from Diona ParkerJuly 2004.FTW
307 S1057 Gedcom import from Jeanne Brooks Selig
Gedcom import from Jeanne Brooks Selig 
308 S181 Gedcom import from JeanRuppertDougPedersen.FTW
309 S100 Gedcom import from jhuitingHietpas.FTW
310 S137 Gedcom import from JHuitingTennessen.FTW
311 S125 Gedcom import from JhuitingWeyenberg.FTW
312 S110 Gedcom import from JoeKeesLauerGoetzman.FTW
313 S27 Gedcom import from joeromen.FTW
314 S252 Gedcom import from JohannesKlapperichRF.ged
315 S147 Gedcom import from JohnHussSandyHussRomenesko.FTW
316 S7 Gedcom import from JohnVDBandMarySas20040508fromTomDuescher.FTW
317 S97 Gedcom import from JohnVerkuilenfromLittleChuteFile.FTW
318 S122 Gedcom import from joleneWaldburger.FTW
319 S72 Gedcom import from JosephAmbrosiusLittleChute.FTW
320 S255 Gedcom import from JosephUtschigfromPamHall.FTW
321 S905 Gedcom import from Jo_Claessens gedcom
322 S101 Gedcom import from jprellAncestryCOM.ged
323 S151 Gedcom import from kees.FTW
324 S33 Gedcom import from kempens3.FTW
325 S6 Gedcom import from LarryGreinkelJohnAOConnell.FTW
326 S109 Gedcom Import from Lauerfrant.FTW
327 S98 Gedcom Import from lauraappleton.FTW
328 S25 Gedcom Import from lenromen.FTW
329 S142 Gedcom Import from Lori DorschelVandehey.FTW
330 S156 Gedcom Import from MalachiRyanWFT54.FTW
331 S24 Gedcom Import from margaretRomen.FTW
332 S132 Gedcom Import from MartinMcNamaraRootswebSandraPinkston.FTW
333 S123 Gedcom import from MartyBerbachJohannBritz.FTW
334 S102 Gedcom Import from MaryNytesHaanen.FTW
335 S30 Gedcom Import from maryromen.FTW
336 S447 Gedcom Import from Mgaschlertemp.FTW
337 S143 Gedcom Import from MichaelHussSandyHussRomenesko.FTW
338 S42 Gedcom Import from MichellBrownLeis.FTW
339 S53 Gedcom Import from MorganWilpolt.FTW
340 S145 Gedcom import from NicholasHussSandyHussRomenesko.FTW
341 S194 Gedcom import from NicholasRuppertfromGeorgiannaKieffer.FTW
342 S61 Gedcom import from PeetersDercks.FTW
343 S66 Gedcom Import from PeterHussSandyHussRomenesko.FTW
344 S75 Gedcom Import from PeterNytesHaanen.FTW
345 S167 Gedcom Import from PeterVanBoxtelFromLittleChute.FTW
346 S121 Gedcom Import from RichardOConnellTomTurriff.FTW
347 S21 Gedcom Import from Romenesko.FTW
348 S249 Gedcom Import from RosellaOudenhovenfromDanMiron.FTW
349 S174 Gedcom Import from RuppertJan2004fromCherylOdell.FTW
350 S54 Gedcom Import from Schommerfrombarbshobe.FTW
351 S157 Gedcom Import from SharonHennesseyJoosten.FTW
352 S254 Gedcom Import from StephanKlapperichfrommichellemargraf.FTW
353 S261 Gedcom Import from Stone Family.FTW
354 S306 Gedcom Import from Stress Family.FTW
355 S14 Gedcom Import from TomTurriffOconnell.FTW
356 S260 Gedcom Import from ValentineSauterFromKathlennSauterJuly2004.FTW
357 S31 Gedcom Import from VandenbergFromTomDuescher.FTW
358 S111 Gedcom Import from VicHaenHenryGerrits.FTW
359 S2 Gedcom Import from wallyromenesko.FTW
360 S303 Gedcom Import from West/Heinritz/Brouillard/Kitzinger
361 S149 Gedcom import WilliamMeulemansDescendantsFromShellyVanLooNov2004.FTW
362 S1281 Gelders Archives online Dutch records
363 S893 Genealogical Gems
Fox Valley Genealogy Society 
364 S390 Germans to America: Lists of Passengers Arriving at U.S. Ports 1850 - 1893
Editor: Ira A. Glazier and P. William Filby 
365 S518 Gertrude's Birth record found in Harvey, Mi. Library ABBR Gertrude's Birth record found in Harvey, Mi. Library Gertrude's Birth record found in Harvey, Mi. Library
366 S475 Grand Forks Herald
367 S1188 Gravestone - Anna Sutton Delaney
368 S1167 Gravestone - Ida P Cline
369 S1175 Gravestone - James Delaney 1913
370 S1171 Gravestone - Peter Delaney 1877
371 S1157 Gravestone - Thomas J Cline
372 S1148 Gravestone - William M and Margaret M Cline
373 S1189 Green Bay Press Gazette
374 S917 Greenville 1848-1988
375 S1283 Grignon Mercantile Trade store ledger
Grignon, Charles 
376 S844 H. W. Meyer: Our German American Family
Robert Allan Stevens 
377 S683 Hardy Family Tree
Patricia M. Hardy Macaluso 
378 S1267 Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1925-1963
379 S880 Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans, 1879-1903
380 S393 Heitkemper Family Bible
381 S450 Heritage Quest
382 S1482 Historical and Recreational Tour Through Kaukauna
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
383 S923 Historical Sketch of the Convent and Academy of the Sisters of St. Francis in Oldenburg, Indiana: And of the Work of Their Community in the United States
384 S1215 History of Barron County, Wisconsin
H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co 
385 S571 History of Brown County Wisconsin Past and Present Vol 1, Volume 1
Deborah B. Martin 
386 S1009 History of Brown County Wisconsin Past and Present, Volume 2
Martin, Deborah Beaumont, S.J. Clarke Publishing Company 
387 S1386 History of Brown County, Wisconsin - The American Sketch Book
Bella French 
388 S1260 History of Buffalo and Pepin Counties, Wisconsin
compiled by Franklyn Curtiss-Wedge 
389 S1003 History of Dakota Territory by George W Kingsbury, South Dakota, Its History and Its People, Edited by George Martin Smith
George W Kingsbury 
390 S896 History of Door County, Wisconsin, together with Biographies of Nearly Seven Hundred Families, and Mention of 4,000 Persons (1881)
Chas. Martin 
391 S1325 History of Door County, Wisconsin: the county beautiful (1917)
392 S1460 History of Holy Angels Darboy 1850 - 2000
393 S835 History of Langlade County Wisconsin (1922)
Robert M. Dessureau 
394 S853 History of Northern Wisconsin (1881)
A.T. Andreas 
395 S1010 History of Outagamie County, Wisconsin. 1911
Thomas Henry Ryan 
396 S838 History of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin (1912)
Carl Zillier 
397 S1046 History of St. Martin Catholic Church, Charlestown, Calumet, Wisconsin
398 S460 History of Stearns County, MN
399 S99 History of the Hietpas Family
400 S417 History of the Smathers Family in America
Dr. Wilson Jones Smathers 
401 S863 History of the Streets of Kaukauna
Dr. Herbert Battles Tanner 
402 S939 History of Wood County, Wisconsin
compiled by George O. Jones 
403 S855 History, Winnebago County, Wisconsin
Lawson, Publius V. 
404 S1168 Holy Angels Church - Death Records
405 S443 Holy Name church records
Diocese of Green Bay 
406 S429 Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Newburg, Washington Co. baptismal record ABBR Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Newburg, Washington Co. baptismal record
407 S899 Homecoming of St. Mary's Congregation: to commemorate the 40th anniversary of its founding, at Kaukauna, Wisconsin, July 3rd, 4th, 5th, 1926
St. Mary's Catholic Church, Kaukauna, Wisconsin 
408 S684 Hooyman Woods Family History
Jane Vandenberg Springstroh 
409 S1259 Hortonville High School Class of 1947 Yearbook
410 S1276 Hortonville High School Class of 1948 Polar Bear Yearbook
411 S1312 Hortonville High School Class of 1949 Yearbook
412 S1478 Hotel Kaukauna
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
413 S867
414 S600 Idaho Death Index 1911-1951 Idaho Vital Records
415 S1077 Illinois Marriages 1851-1900
416 S286 Illinois Statewide Marriages Index
417 S1105 Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947 
418 S1069 Illustrated Atlas of Winnebago County, Wisconsin
419 S901 Images of Kaukauna (20113)
Gavin Schmitt 
420 S362 Immigration papers
421 S839 In His Vineyard 1868 - 1983, A Series of Life Sketches of the Bishops, Priests, and Permanent Deacons of the Diocese of Green Bay
Sister Brideen Long, O.S.F., Ph.D. 
422 S882 In the Footsteps of the Pioneers of Stephenson County, Illinois
423 S502 Index to Marriages ABBR Index to Marriages Index to Marriages Helen Lawinger Flanagan Obituary
424 S168 Individual, spouse, parent, or child may also include information from scrap books, funeral or wedding programs, newspaper announcements, photo albums, calendars
425 S335 Internet
426 S383 Iowa Co. Death Records list. ABBR Iowa Co. Death Records list. Iowa Co. Death Records list.
427 S433 IPersonal info from 1999 from Margaret Massa, Bloomington, IL, on Bernard Eiting (born 1822) family in Nebraska. ABBR 280. Information 1999 from Margaret Massa, Bloomington, IL, on Bernard Eiting (born 1822) family in Nebraska.
428 S996 Irish Immigrants: New York Port Arrival Records (1846-1851)
Famine Irish Entry Project, 1846-1851. 
429 S119 J. E. Heitkemper Family Tree Maker Report - No source given
430 S1048 John Archiquette, Diary 1868-1874 (GREEN BAY) -
John Archiqutte 
431 S155 JohnKrellWilhelminaBeckerdescendantsfromDianeBentfieldJune2004.FTW
432 S413 Kaukauna & Fox Cities Families
433 S1016 Kaukauna - The Lion of the Fox
434 S900 Kaukauna 175th Jubilee Album
James Bambery and commitee 
435 S1262 Kaukauna Centennial 1885-1985 - The Kaukauna Times
Kaukauna Centennial 1885-1985 
436 S1424 Kaukauna Glimpses of It's History
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
437 S1363 Kaukauna High School 1902 Class list
438 S1257 Kaukauna High School 1903 Class list
439 S1341 Kaukauna High School 1907 Class list
440 S1385 Kaukauna High School 1916 Class List
441 S1368 Kaukauna High School 1923 Class List
442 S1359 Kaukauna High School 1926 Papyrus Yearbook
443 S1206 Kaukauna High School 1927 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
444 S1219 Kaukauna High School 1928 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
445 S1221 Kaukauna High School 1929 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
446 S1222 Kaukauna High School 1930 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
447 S1223 Kaukauna High School 1931 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
448 S1224 Kaukauna High School 1932 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
449 S1225 Kaukauna High School 1933 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
450 S1226 Kaukauna High School 1934 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
451 S1227 Kaukauna High School 1935 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
452 S1228 Kaukauna High School 1936 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
453 S1229 Kaukauna High School 1937 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
454 S1230 Kaukauna High School 1938 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
455 S1231 Kaukauna High School 1939 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
456 S1232 Kaukauna High School 1940 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
457 S950 Kaukauna High School 1941 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
458 S1233 Kaukauna High School 1942 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
459 S1234 Kaukauna High School 1943 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
460 S1235 Kaukauna High School 1944 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
461 S1236 Kaukauna High School 1945 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
462 S1237 Kaukauna High School 1946 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
463 S1238 Kaukauna High School 1947 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
464 S1239 Kaukauna High School 1948 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
465 S1240 Kaukauna High School 1949 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
466 S1241 Kaukauna High School 1950 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
467 S1242 Kaukauna High School 1951 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
468 S1244 Kaukauna High School 1952 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
469 S1245 Kaukauna High School 1953 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
470 S1246 Kaukauna High School 1954 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
471 S1247 Kaukauna High School 1955 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
472 S1248 Kaukauna High School 1956 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
473 S1249 Kaukauna High School 1957 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
474 S1250 Kaukauna High School 1958 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
475 S1251 Kaukauna High School 1959 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
476 S1252 Kaukauna High School 1960 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
477 S1253 Kaukauna High School 1961 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
478 S1416 Kaukauna High School 1962 Papyrus Yearbook
479 S1417 Kaukauna High School 1963 Papyrus Yearbook
480 S1357 Kaukauna High School 1964 Papyrus Yearbook
481 S1353 Kaukauna High School 1965 Papyrus Yearbook
482 S1254 Kaukauna High School 1966 Papyrus Yearbook
Kaukauna High School 
483 S1367 Kaukauna High School 1967 Papyrus Yearbook
484 S1455 Kaukauna High School 1968 Papyrus Yearbook
485 S1425 Kaukauna Kavalcade Historical Pageant, 1940
Kaukauna Kavalcade Historical Pageant, 1940 
486 S1392 Kaukauna Memory Project - Marriage Records
487 S1067 Kaukauna Sun
Kaukauna Sun 
488 S276 Kaukauna Times
Kaukauna Times 
489 S1203 Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1963 
490 S687 Kimberly A Centennial History 1910-2010
Jason R. Weber 
491 S1291 Kimberly High School Class of 1939 Yearbook
492 S1294 Kimberly High School Class of 1940 Yearbook
493 S1293 Kimberly High School Class of 1944 Yearbook
494 S1279 Kimberly High School Class of 1950 Yearbook
495 S1292 Kimberly High School Class of 1951 Yearbook
496 S1295 Kimberly High School Class of 1952 Yearbook
497 S1296 Kimberly High School Class of 1953 Yearbook
498 S1297 Kimberly High School Class of 1954 Yearbook
499 S1316 Kimberly High School Class of 1955 Yearbook
500 S1317 Kimberly High School Class of 1956 Yearbook
501 S1320 Kimberly High School Class of 1959 Yearbook
502 S1318 Kimberly High School Class of 1960 Yearbook
503 S333 Kindred Konnections
504 S595 Koplin Family Decendants
Vera Kopplin Lawson ABBR Koplin Family Decendants 
505 S561 Kris Boden ABBR Kris Boden
506 S894 Launcelot Granger of Newbury, Mass. and Suffield, Conn. : a genealogical history
Granger, James N 
507 S1379 Lawrence College Class of 1924
508 S196 on Internet ABBR on Internet on Internet
509 S1343 Little Chute High School Class of 1915
510 S1344 Little Chute High School Class of 1916
511 S1346 Little Chute High School Class of 1921
512 S1345 Little Chute High School Class of 1922
513 S1256 Little Chute Star 1938 Yearbook
514 S1243 Little Chute Star 1939 Yearbook
515 S1255 Little Chute Star 1940 Yearbook
516 S126 Little Chute, A Century of Progress 1899- 1999 Centennial Book
Village of Little Chute Centennial Committee ABBR Little Chute, A Century of Progress 1899- 1999 Centennial Book Many of the sketches are taken from the "History of Outagamie Co" by Ryan 
517 S67 Marriage Certificate ABBR Marriage Certificate Marriage Certificate Church Ceremony Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
518 S1074 Marriage Certificate - Martin Cline and Ellen Duffy
519 S1076 Marriage Certificate - William M Cline and Margaret Duffy
520 S297 Marriages 1862-1912
521 S574 McCarthy Family Plot, St Elizabeth Cemetery, Esbon, KS
522 S398 Memo from: Litwiller-Simonsen Funeral Home Scenic Hills Memorial Park
Heidi Shuck 
523 S349 Memorandum book
Mrs. William Henry (Emma Schmit) Bruecker 
524 S350 Memorial card
525 S960 Men of Progress, Wisconsin: Selected List of Biographical Sketches & Portraits of Leaders in Business, Professional & Official Life ... History & Men of Progress, Wisconsin: Selected List of Biographical Sketches & Portraits of Leaders in Business, Professional & Official Life ... History & Character of Wisconsin. Aikens & Proctor, eds. Milwaukee: Evening Wisconsin Company, 1897, pp 509-510
Aikens & Proctor, eds. 
526 S1214 Michigan Death Records 1867-1950
Michigan Death Records 1867-1950 
527 S1066 Michigan Department of Vital and Health Records. Michigan, Deaths, 1971-1996 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 1998. Original data: Michigan Department of Vital and Health Records. Michigan Death Index. Lansing, MI, USA.
528 S1072 Michigan, Marriage Records, 1867–1952. Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics.
Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics. 
529 S1129 Militia List, Fort Howard, Brown, Wiscsonsin
530 S1136 Milwaukee City Directory
531 S550 Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Birth and death record in Milwaukee County Courthouse
Daniel G Miron, parent 
532 S432 Minneapolis Star Tribune
533 S1197 Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002
Minnesota Department of Health 
534 S1186 Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002 
535 S1161 Minnesota, Births and Christenings Index, 1840-1980 
536 S943 Misery on All Sides
Janet Elaine Selby Marx (Author) 
537 S472 Morrison County Record
538 S968 Morrow & Gilletts Appleton City Directory 1889
Morrow & Gilletts 
539 S367 Mt. Calvary Cemetery From Mt. Calvary Burial Permits Mt. Calvary Cemetery Portland, OR
540 S415 Naturalization Papers
Naturalization Papers ABBR Naturalization Papers 
541 S424 Nederlanders to Northeast Wisconsin
542 S188 New Richmond News
543 S477 New York Mills Herald
544 S1138 New York, 1820-1850 Passenger and Immigration Lists 
545 S1080 Newspaper Article - James Cline Suicide
546 S1097 Newspaper Article - Martin Cline train wreck
547 S81 Newspaper Clipping (Engagement)
548 S669 NO BULL, The Peters VandeLoop Caper
Roger Crotteau 
549 S1322 O'Connell Funeral Home
550 S869 O. P. Dolores Enderle, Suzanne Noffke AuthorHouse, Jun 18, 2008 - Biography & Autobiography - 308 pages
Endele, Sister Dolores O.P., Suzanne Noffke 
551 S200 Obituary
Appleton-Post Crescent 
552 S1139 Obituary - Anastasia Cline
553 S1194 Obituary - Anne J Delaney
554 S1113 Obituary - Ellen Cline 1955
555 S1166 Obituary - Ida Anderson Cline 1925
556 S1117 Obituary - Irene Flaherty
557 S1162 Obituary - James Cline 1904
558 S1174 Obituary - James K Delaney
559 S1190 Obituary - Lillian M Delaney
560 S1107 Obituary - Margaret A Cline
561 S1124 Obituary - Martin Cline 1904
562 S1099 Obituary - Martin Cline 1907
563 S1200 Obituary - Mary Delaney
564 S1108 Obituary - Matthew E Duffy
565 S1092 Obituary - Maurice J Cline
566 S1187 Obituary - Paul R Cline
567 S1156 Obituary - Thomas J Cline 1930
568 S1191 Obituary - Thomas J Delaney
569 S1143 Obituary - William M Cline
570 S1109 Obituary - William M Cline 1948
571 S548 Oconto County, Wisconsin Births
572 S148 On Good Ground
Scott Vandehey 
573 S834 One hundred years of Mackville, 1849-1949
Gross, Nicholas 
574 S107 OneWorldTree
575 S1068 Ontario, Roman Catholic Church Records, 1760-1923," images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 22 November 2015), York > Toronto > St Paul > Baptisms, marriages, burials 1834-1850 > image 155 of 236; Catholic Church parishes, Ontario. Index of baptisms 1835-1910 Baptisms, marriages 1833-1842 Baptisms 1834-1842 Baptisms, marriages, burials 1843-1850 (includes confirmations and abjurations; some Latin) Baptisms 1852-1858 (includes index) Burials 1849-1857 (typed copy)
576 S469 Osakis Review
577 S391 Ossian History Book, page 43
578 S23 Outagamie Co Records ABBR Outagamie Co Records
579 S895 Outagamie County (Wis.) State Centennial Committee Land of the fox, saga of Outagamie County [1949] 302 p. illus., ports., maps. 28 cm
Outagamie County (Wis.) State Centennial Committee 
580 S614 Outagamie County, Birth Records
Registrar of Deeds 
581 S598 Outagamie County, Death Records
Registrar of Deeds 
582 S292 Outagamie County, Marriage Records
Registrar of Deeds 
583 S564 Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s
584 S616 Passenger Ships and Images 
585 S865 PAST AND PRESENT OF PLATTE COUNTY NEBRASKA, A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement
586 S622 Past and Present Paltte County Nebraska, Volume 1
G. W. Philips 
587 S464 Paynesville Press
588 S88 Pelle Family Tree;Clara Pelle (Mrs. Thomas E. Meehan); Denver, Colorado; compiled 1966 A.D.
589 S186 Perham Enterprise-Bulletin
590 S346 Personal conversation with Richard A. O'Connell Jr., July 17, 2001.
591 S545 Personal Correspondence from Art and Ann (Thuente) Huinker
592 S760 Personal Correspondence from D. K. McQuaid (
593 S921 Personal Correspondence from Huiting, James
Jim Huiting 
594 S541 Personal Correspondence from Jane Kuennen Meronuck
595 S540 Personal Correspondence from Julie Kuennen Anderson
596 S117 Personal Correspondence Janet Coon Jensky ABBR Janet Coon Jensky Janet Coon Jensky
597 S411 Personal info from Anton Gaetzman interview for Wausau Centennial
598 S907 Personal info from Bill Schaefer family research
Bill Schaefer 
599 S1045 Personal info from Crabb, AAron
600 S58 Personal info from Emma (Schmit) Bruecker's Scrapbooks
Emma (Schmit) Bruecker 
601 S549 Personal info from Family Records of Jackie Van Handel
Jackie Van Handel, 
602 S115 Personal info from Family Records of Thomas Richard Duescher
Thomas Richard Duescher,; 
603 S969 Personal info from Gilles, Sister Catherine
Gilles, Sister Catherine email 
604 S914 Personal info from Hager, Bert
Hager, Bert 
605 S210 Personal info from Helen Bleiler Soper Richardson
Helen Bleiler Soper Richardson ABBR Helen Bleiler Soper Richardson Helen Bleiler Soper Richardson Marianne Kieffer Cemetery transcription from Wis State Genealogical Newsletter Vol. 36 No3 1/90 
606 S488 Personal info from Herman's letters home to family in Holland
607 S1090 Personal info from Jim Eisenreich - private collection
608 S237 Personal info from Judith Stauffacher O'Connell ABBR Judith Stauffacher O'Connell Judith Stauffacher O'Connell Obituary Cemetery transcription from Wis State Genealogical Newsletter Vol. 36 No3 1/90
609 S113 Personal info from Kenny Burck
Kenny Burck 
610 S222 Personal info from Kevin Kieffer Kevin Kieffer Georgianna Kieffer
611 S751 Personal info from Leiskau, Mary Clare
612 S360 Personal info from Lois (Van De Leygraaf) Bruecker's Scrapbooks
613 S170 Personal info from Louis Bressers Louis is a man who lives in Holland that is distantly related. His family tree overlaps my family tree, and in many cases his information confirmed mine. He has physical documents verifying much o f the information about the people born in Holland that I have asked him to send me.
614 S242 Personal info from Mary Jeanne Linden Imhoff
Mary Jeanne Linden Imhoff ABBR Mary Jeanne Linden Imhoff 
615 S71 Personal info from Mrs Peter (Marie Schnieder) RuysSchlickbern
616 S517 Personal info from Norma Jane Kieffer ABBR Norma Jane Kieffer Norma Jane Kieffer Elizabeth Kieffer George Kieffer, 1920 Census
617 S291 Personal info from Personal genealogical notes
Elna Clara Krueger Pohlman 
618 S354 Personal info from Phil Bruecker's memories
619 S253 Personal info from Research of Pam Hall
620 S267 Personal info from Research of Uwe Kruse in Hausten, Germany (
621 S352 Personal info from Roman T. & Lois J. Bruecker
622 S757 Personal info from Romonesco, Peter
Peter Romonesco 
623 S516 Personal info from Sabrina Ingber
Sabrina Ingber ABBR Sabrina Ingber 
624 S511 Personal info from Sandra Kuebler ABBR Sandra Kuebler Sandra Kuebler
625 S512 Personal info from Scott Richmond ABBR Scott Richmond Scott Richmond Glenda Richmond
626 S351 Personal info from Terry Lee Bruecker
627 S187 Personal info from Thomas J. Steichen
628 S1043 Personal info from Verbockel, Clark
Verbockel, Clark 
629 S495 Personal informations by Robert Wiscour.
630 S1183 Personal Interview - Anna Pritchard
631 S1089 Personal Interview - Jim Eisenreich
632 S138 Personal interview of John Gaetzman for Wausau Centennial
633 S434 Personal letter from Greta Holesovsky Massa dated Dec 1, 2001 incl. 1880 Butler Cty Nebraska census.. ABBR 340. Personal letter from Greta Holesovsky Massa dated Dec 1, 2001 incl. 1880 Butler Cty Nebraska census..
634 S688 Personal Letter from Marie Siebers to Helen Siebers Rocje
Marie Siebers 
635 S120 Personal letter from Richard A. O'Connell Jr., September 4, 2001
636 S759 Personal letter Theodore Fischer
Theodore Fischer 
637 S498 Personal Letter written by Theodore Kieffer (Ted) in 1960. ABBR Letter written by Theodore Kieffer (Ted) in 1960. Letter written by Theodore Kieffer (Ted) in 1960.
638 S1112 Personal Letters from Betty Hamlin
639 S435 Personal letters from Robert Litjen, Nov 29, 2001 & Feb 12, 2002, Nebraska. ABBR 338. Personal letters from Robert Litjen, Nov 29, 2001 & Feb 12, 2002, Nebraska.
640 S538 Personal Notes of Shirley Kuennen, Ossian, Iowa
641 S401 Personal recollections & conversations by Jim Huiting ABBR Personal recollections & conversations by Jim Huiting
642 S575 Personal recollections Hand/type written memoirs of Florence J McCarthy With additions by Martin J McCarthy
643 S542 Personal Recollections of Bruce Kuennen
644 S1032 Personal Recollections of Herman Anton Richter
Herman Richter 
645 S36 Personal Records Esther (Ruhoff) Niedzielski's records
646 S373 Photo of William Eiting/Margaret VenVertlo family & 9/19/2001 letter from Mary Baeton Mollon.
647 S547 Picture of Theodore Einck, Sr. and Family
Photographer Unknown 
648 S1479 Pillar of Our Community
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
649 S959 Pioneer Life in the Fox River Valley
Annie Susan McLenegen 
650 S851 Plat Book of Brown County, Wisconsin 1889
C. M. Foote 
651 S925 Poor Farm Cemetery, Winnebago County Wisconsin
Janet Eiler & Jean Dunn 
652 S436 Portage County, Wisconsin Birth Certificates
653 S158 Portage County, Wisconsin Marriage Licenses
654 S311 Post-Crescent, Appleton, Wisconsin
655 S1486 Private Jacob Schneider Civil War Veteran
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
656 S408 Probate document of Louise Hayertz
657 S1440 Probate Records Outagamie County Court, Outagamie, Wisconsin 1800-1987
Wisconsin County, District and Probate Courts 
658 S1266 Probate Records; Author: Wisconsin. County Court (Outagamie County); Probate Place: Outagamie, Wisconsin.
Wisconsin County, District and Probate Courts 
659 S1202 Public Member Tree
660 S1052 Quebec Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection 1608-1890) Grignon Baptisms
Quebec Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families 
661 S420 Ransom County's Loyal Defenders
Michael J. Knudson 
662 S647 Ransom County's Loyal Defenders
by Michael J. Knudson and Ann G. Knudson 
663 S1423 Recollections of Augustin Grignon
Recollections of Augustin Grignon 
664 S332 record of interments
665 S658 Reflections - A history of Wrightstown High School 1915 - 1998
666 S933 Registered User of submitted information.
667 S505 Registration of Deaths
Registration of Deaths ABBR Registration of Deaths from Vivienne Trace 
668 S973 Registres de l'état civil de Fischbach (Luxembourg), 1796-1923 Luxembourg, Flaxweiler, Beyren, Gostingen, Niederdonven, Oberdonven
Fischbach (Luxembourg). Officier de l'état civil (Main Author) 
669 S1465 Reminiscences of a pioneer missionary. Verwyst, Chrysostom, 1841-1925.
Verwyst, Rev. Chrysostom 
670 S686 Rice Relatives Family History
Carol Ward Ryan 
671 S179 Rita Korompai Letter 7/27/98 ABBR Rita Korompai letter
672 S659 Romenesko Name in History
Ancestry (just pieces of data gathered into a generic outline) 
673 S913 Roster of Wisconsin volunteers, War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865 [database on-line]. Provo, UT: Operations Inc, 2005. Original data: Roster of Wisconsin volunteers, War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865. Madison, Wis.: Democrat Print. Co., 1886.
Roster of Wisconsin volunteers, War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865. Madison, Wis.: Democrat Print. Co., 1886. 
674 S1020 Ruwer, Germany Family Book
Thomas Schmitt 
675 S848 Sadliers Catholic Church History 1876, Diocese of Green Bay (5 Pages)
676 S889 Saint Amand Parish book
Belgium State Archives, Saint Amand Parish book 
677 S949 San Francisco, California, City Directory, 1927, U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
San Francisco, California, City Directory, 1927 
678 S327 Sankt Hubert (Kr. Kempen, Rheinland) Burgermeisterei. Zivilstandsregister, 1798-1875Film/Fiche # 1050911: Chrch of Latter-day Saints
679 S866 Selected Items from Der Nord-Westen Manitowoc County 1906-1909
Harold Bergman 
680 S1364 Seven Orphans: The Nicholas Elmer Family
Robert Mellberg Email 
681 S596 Shawano co., Wisconsin Cemeteries
Shawano co., Wisconsin Cemeteries ABBR Shawano co., Wisconsin Cemeteries 
682 S441 Sheboygan County, Wis. Birth Certificate
683 S163 Sheboygan County, Wis. Marriage Certificate
684 S1350 Shiocton High School Class of 1923
685 S1391 Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
686 S1196 Social Security Death Index 
687 S740 Social Security Death Index 
688 S763 Soldiers and Citizens Album of Biographical Record: containing personal sketches of Army Men and Citizens prominent in the loyalty to the union. Published: 1888.
689 S1261 Sons of the American Revolution Membership
Sons of the American Revolution Membership 
690 S1484 St. Andrews - Mainville Historic Home Personal Memoirs
691 S396 St. Bonaventure - Our Parish First 100 years 1877 - 1977
No author shown. 
692 S467 St. Cloud Journal
693 S185 St. Cloud Nordstern
694 S184 St. Cloud Times
695 S353 St. Francis Cemetary Records, Brown County Library
696 S363 St. Francis of Assisi Baptismal Records;Humphrey, Platte, Nebraska.
697 S1418 St. Francis Seraph Souvenir and Directory 1903
698 S371 St. George Church records
699 S1365 St. John Catholic Church, Little Chute, Wisconsin - Church Records
700 S1408 St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church 125th Anniversary 1864-1989
701 S1326 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1932 Acme Yearbook
702 S1290 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1933
703 S1289 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1934
704 S1288 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1935
705 S1287 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1936
706 S1328 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1937
707 S1329 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1938
708 S1330 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1939
709 S1331 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1940
710 S1332 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1941
711 S1333 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1942
712 S1334 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1943
713 S1335 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1944
714 S1336 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1945
715 S1337 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1946
716 S1338 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1947
717 S1339 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1948
718 S1340 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1949
719 S1342 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1950
720 S1442 St. John High School Little Chute Class of 1968
721 S962 St. John Nepomucene Cemetery
Little Chute Historical Society 
722 S673 St. John's Catholic Church Little Chute Centennial 1836-1936 (History)
723 S1101 St. John's Catholic Church, St Paul MN - Baptismal Records
724 S382 St. John's Little Chute WI Holy Cards My Grandmother (Sophia Huiting [Hietpas]) kept hundreds of Holy Cards from St John's. Most are from Verkuilen's Funeral Home on Main St. The date of issuance is of course 2-3 days after the death date .
725 S888 St. Mary' Ridge Heritage Histories of Our Pioneers
St. Mary's Ridge Heritage Project - Michelle Leis Brown 
726 S213 St. Mary's Church Marriage Records ABBR St. Mary's Church Marriage Records St. Mary's Church Marriage Records Obituary
727 S533 St. Mary's Church, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
728 S846 St. Nicholas Cemetery, Freedom, Wisconsin listing of burials without markers, by Shirley Primavera
Shirley Primavera 
729 S877 St. Patrick's Catholic Cemetery, Askeaton, Wisconsin
St. Patrick's Catholic Cemetery, Askeaton, Wisconsin 
730 S1104 St. Paul City Directory
731 S462 St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch
732 S165 St. Wendel Catholic Church Records (1861-1901), Mead Public Library, Sheboygan
733 S928 Standard History of Waupaca County, Wisconsin Vol II
John M. Ware 
John M. Ware 
735 S322 State of California Birth Index, 1905-1995
736 S271 State of Colorado/Standard Certificate of Birth ABBR State of Colorado/Standard Certificate of Birth
737 S531 State of Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Statistics ABBR State of Idaho
738 S534 State of Illinois, Department of Public Records, Division of Vital Statistics and Records ABBR State of Illinois
739 S578 State of Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002
740 S465 State of Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002
741 S539 State of Ohio Department of Health
742 S608 State of Oregon Death Index, 1903-98 
743 S581 State of Oregon Marriages, 1906-20
744 S482 State of South Dakota Death Certificate
745 S466 State of Texas Death Records
746 S183 State of Texas Divorce Records
747 S270 State of Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002
748 S612 State of Washington Births, 1907-1919 
749 S580 State of Washington Death Index 1907-1996
750 S543 State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services, Vital Records ABBR State of Washington
751 S414 State of Wisconsin Births - Pre 1907 - Brown County Public Library
752 S70 State of Wisconsin Marriages 1979-1984 - Brown County Public Library
753 S771 State of Wisconsin, County Marriages, 1836-1911
754 S384 Stevens Point Daily Journal
755 S1158 Stillwater MN City Directory
756 S1078 Text of Cline-Anderson marriage certificate from St Anthony Church, Effiingham IL
757 S1178 The American Sketch Book, Volume III, History of Brown County, Wisconsin
French Bella 
758 S1285 The Catholic Church in Wisconsin
Harry H. Henning 
759 S670 The Courtship of Frank W. Green and Mary Hein
Thomas R. Green 
760 S307 The Dresang & Rickert Families
Duane E. Lamers 
761 S530 The Family of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kuehner, Senior - FIVE GENERATIONS
Sister Rose Catherine Kuehner 
762 S967 The Grignon Hotel at Butte des Morts, Wisconsin: An Essay in Historical Preservation.
Edward Noyes 
763 S287 The Hays Daily News
764 S876 The History of Brown County, Wisconsin Vol. 1 & 2
765 S1019 The History of Nebraska
The History of Nebraska 
766 S942 The Huhn Family Ancestors and Descendants by Thomas J. Huhn
Thomas J. Huhn 
767 S964 The Informer Enforcement
Malachi Ryan 
768 S537 The John Carl Bodensteiner Family
Lorraine Bodensteiner Kuennen 
769 S532 The Kuennen's of St. Lucas
Father Denis Kuennen 
770 S892 The Letters of Arnold Versegen
771 S1469 The Mainvilles
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
772 S963 The Narcotic Officers Notebook
Malachi Ryan 
773 S875 The Pioneers of Outagamie County, Wisconsin
Elihu Spencer 
774 S1468 The Power Behind the Electric City
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
775 S387 The Sons of Norway Vaer Family History
776 S1426 The Stockbridge Mission
777 S1039 The Story of Father VanDenBroek
Sister Mary Alphonsa Corry 
778 S296 The Story of Georg Seubert and His Family
August Hoene 
779 S864 The story of William J. Niederkorn
Larson, Charles 
780 S1026 The story of William J. Niederkorn
The story of William J. Niederkorn 
781 S1209 The Wisconsin Creoles
Les Rentmeester and Jeanne Rentmeester 
782 S1035 The World of Herb Caen (commentary and captions by Carole Vernier)
Barbaby Conrad (commentary and captions by Carole Vernier) 
783 S1015 Thilmany Pulp and Paper Company Surviving History's Economic Hardships
Angela Keuler 
784 S1086 Thomas Delaney Civil War Pension File xc#269-5777
785 S1467 Through The Flames More than 100 Years of History Kaukauna Fire Department
Carol Mainville VanBoxtel 
786 S258 Tina Zipter ABBR Tina Zipter
787 S227 Tombstone ABBR Tombstone Tombstone
788 S1095 Tombstone - Emmett Cline and parents Martin and Ellen Cline
789 S977 Tote 1722-1805 Taufen 1736-1802 Heiraten 1736-1809 Taufen 1803-1809
Katholische Kirche Lüdinghausen (KrSt. Lüdinghausen) 
790 S978 Tote 1806-1809 Taufen, Heiraten, Tote 1810-1821
Katholische Kirche Lüdinghausen (KrSt. Lüdinghausen) 
791 S1466 Town of Freedom 1852-2002 Sesquicentennial Anniversary
Freedom Historical Society 
792 S625 Town of Vandenbroek Centennial 1902 - 2002
793 S1212 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Ellington, Wisconsin 125th Anniversary
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Ellington, Wisconsin 125th Anniversary 
794 S1438 U. S. City Directories, 1822-1995
795 S459 U.S. Census
796 S1121 U.S. Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865 
797 S936 U.S. Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
U.S. Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000. 
798 S836 U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles 
799 S843 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 
800 S1407 U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885
801 S617 U.S. Naturalization Records - Original Documents, 1795-1972 
802 S572 U.S. Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002
803 S1008 U.S. Public Records Index 
804 S316 U.S. Veterans Cemeteries, ca.1800-2004
805 S590 U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006
National Cemetery Administration 
806 S313 U.S. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 
807 S747 U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
National Archives and Records Administration 
808 S601 Uhlorn Funeral Home: Deaths 1951-1996
809 S748 United States Obituary Collection 
810 S1396 US Veterans Gravesites 1775-2006
811 S1327 Verkuilen Funeral Home (aka - Verkuilen Van Deurzen Family Funeral Home)
812 S1038 Verstegen, Arnold the Letters of
Arnold Verstegen 
813 S1193 Veteran's Administration pension payment cards, 1907-1933
814 S1163 Washington Death Index, 1940-1996 
815 S1147 Washington State Death Records
816 S480 Watertown Public Opinion
817 S112 Wedding Announcement
818 S224 Wedding invitation ABBR Wedding invitation
819 S965 Wendeling Family Genealogy, from the Hunsruck region of Germany to Milwaukee, Wisconsin
John S. Wendeling 
820 S471 West Bend News
821 S295 Western States Historical Marriage Records Index 1862-1929 Idaho Vital Records
822 S1356 Wichmann Fargo Funeral Home
823 S966
National Dutch Archives 
824 S418 Will Abstract
825 S82 Winnebago County Court House
826 S613 Winnebago County Death Records
Registrar of Deeds 
827 S309 Winnebago County Marriage Records
Registrar of Deeds 
828 S672 Wisconsin Biographies
829 S446 Wisconsin Births and Christenings Index, 1826-1908 
830 S1160 Wisconsin Births, 1820-1907 
831 S551 Wisconsin Census, 1820-90
Jackson, Ron V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp. 
832 S742 Wisconsin Death Index, 1959-1997
Wisconsin Vital Records Office 
833 S422 Wisconsin Deaths, 1820-1907
Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services 
834 S1428 Wisconsin Gold Star List
835 S954 Wisconsin Its Story and Biography 1848 - 1913
Ellis Baker Usher 
836 S890 Wisconsin Magazine of History
Wisconsin Historical Society 
837 S1461 Wisconsin Marriage Index 1820-1907 (db=4997)
838 S675 Wisconsin Marriages 1836-1930
839 S284 Wisconsin Marriages, 1973-1997
840 S1491 Wisconsin State Censuses, 1855-1905
841 S739 Wisconsin State Censuses, 1895 and 1905 
842 S153 Wisconsin Vital Records
843 S1177 Wisconsin, Brown County, Citizenship Records
844 S1180 Wisconsin, Brown County, Probate Records
845 S1137 Wisconsin, Brown County, Register of Deeds Office
846 S1128 Wisconsin, Brown, Fort Howard, Brown Series 150 Deeds
847 S1083 Wisconsin, Brown, Green Bay, Circuit Court Records
848 S1263 Wisconsin, Wills and Probate Records, 1800-1987
Wisconsin, Wills and Probate Records, 1800-1987 
849 S1269 Wisconsin, Wills and Probate Records, 1800-1987, (db=9088)
850 S650 Wooden Shoes West
Scott Vandehey 
851 S19 World Family Tree
Brøderbund Software, Inc. 
852 S741 World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 
853 S837 World War II Draft Registration Cards; United States, Selective Service System. Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration. National Archives and Records Administration Branch locations: National Archives and Records Administration Region Branches.
854 S750 World War II Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Casualties, 1941-1945 
855 S856 WorldConnect Project: 1FamilyTree," _Rootsweb_ (Online: The Generations Network, Inc., 2009) [GEDCOM uploaded 09/04/2012]
856 S1464 Xaviar High School Appleton Class of 1968 Yearbook

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