Churchesoutside the Fox Valley area are listed below.
Churches outside of the United States are listed on a separate web page.
Fox Valley Area Catholic Churches
For more history and information, go to the Diocese of Green Bay website.
The Diocese of Green Bay Archives has many church records that might be helpful in researching genealogy, since civil records were not required until after 1907.There are two ways to access the records of the Diocese of Green Bay Archives.
The first is to go in and research the records yourself. They are usually open the last three Tuesdays of the month from 9-12 and 1-4. An appointment is necessary because of limited readers. Please contact them at 920-437-7531 ext 8187 or 8186 or via email at or There is a $5.00 fee for each three hour session for researching at the Archives.
The second way is to write to them (they do accept phone requests) at Archives, Diocese of Green Bay, P.O. Box 23825, Green Bay, WI 54305-3825. They will search for either up to an hour or for the first five records found, whichever comes first. The fee for their research service is $20.00 plus .25 per copy.
For a listing of starting dates for church records in Brown, Calumet and Outagamie Counties, the Diocese of Green Bay has generously provided the information shown here on a separate page.
Sacred Heart
222 E. Fremont StreetAppleton, WI 54915-1827 Phone: (920) 739-3196
Parish histories published (?)
St. Bernadette
2331 E. Lourdes DriveAppleton, WI 54915-3615 Phone: (920) 739-4157 Web: E-mail:
Parish histories published (?)
St. Bernard
1617 W. Pine Street< /br>Appleton, WI 54914-5118 < /br>Phone: (920) 739-0331 < /br>< /br>Web: < /br> E-mail:
Parish histories published (?)
St. Joseph
404 W. Lawrence Street< /br> Appleton, WI 54911-5817 < /br> Phone: (920) 734-7195 < /br>< /br>Web: < /br> E-mail:
Parish histories published (?)
St. Mary
312 S. State Street< /br>Appleton, WI 54911-5926 < /br>Phone: (920) 739-5119 < /br>< /br>Web: < /br> E-mail:
Parish histories published (?)
St. Pius X
500 W. Marquette Street< /br> Appleton, WI 54911-1917 < /br> Phone: (920) 733-0575 < /br>< /br>Web:
< /br> E-mail:
Parish histories published (?)
St. Therese
213 E. Wisconsin Ave< /br>Appleton, WI 54911-4819 < /br>Phone: (920) 733-8568 < /br>< /br>Web:
< /br> E-mail:
Parish histories published (?)
St. Thomas More
1810B N McDonald Street< /br>Appleton, WI 54911-3450 < /br>920-739-7758
< /br>Email
Web page < /br>
Parish histories published (?)
St. Patrick
7815 Saint Pats Church Road< /br> Greenleaf, WI 54126-9611 < /br> Phone: (920) 532-6665
Web Page
Established about 1856.
Parish histories published (?)
In 1887 the parish priest at St. Patrick's made a "pew listing" of the members of his church. I have transcribed that list, which can be found on St. Patrick pew List web page.
Prior to about 1900 this church was often referred to as "East Holland" by the local newspapers when reporting on the burial location, vs. "West Holland" which referred to St. Francis at Holland.
Holy Family
1100 West Ryan Street
Brillion, WI 54110-1074Phone:
(920) 756-2535E-mail:
Established 2001
Parish histories published (?)
St. Paul
410 Wallace St.
Combined Locks, WI. 54113-1128
Established 1923
St. Paul Catholic Church History
St. Paul Catholic Church Cemetery (partial listing)
St. Paul Catholic Church archived records
Holy Angels
W2796 County Hwy KK
Appleton, WI. 54915-9407
Web page
Established 1850
Parish Histories published at 100 years, 125 years, 140 years and in 2002.
Holy Angels Cemetery Burial Listing
News -----September 2004- Just a side note for your information...
Holy Angels Catholic Church in Darboy is in the process of merging with Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church in Kimberly. The new bishop to the Green Bay Diocese is deciding the issue due to priest shortages and the growing community in Darboy needing more space. Kimberly's Catholic Church is nearly empty and is larger than Darboy's Church which is full to the brim) The new parish will be called "Holy Spirit," as of January 1, 2005. Each church building & cemetery will keep it's original name, but the schools have already merged to have a "north" campus in Kimberly and a "south campus" in Darboy called Holy Spirit School. So if you're seeing data from our area with this new'll know why. No doubt you'll begin seeing it within the next year.
St. Nicholas
N4088 Cty Rd E,
Kaukauna, WI. 54130-7592
Web page
Established about 1851, though did not have a resident priest until 1860. Prior to 1860 was a missionary church serviced by the priests at St. John's in Little Chute and records dating before 1860 can be found in the St. John's Little Chute Church archives.
Parish Histories published at 100 years, 125 years, and 1956-1971. (I am looking for copies!!!)
Burials in the St. Nicholas Catholic Cemetery can be found by following this link;
St. Nicholas Catholic Cemetery Burials
Or the listing here at 1familytree. St. Nicholas, Freedom Burials."
Father Gerald Spierings O.F.M. Cap. 1864-1866 Father J Van Luytaar 1866-1868 Father Anthony J Verberk 1868-1869 Father William Wilkens 1869-1870 Father Elzear DeWitt 1870-1882 Father John Verstegen 1882-1883 Father Geissler & Father Deurmeyer 1883-1891 Father Peter J Lochman 1891-1900 Father Joseph Selbach 1900-1901 Father John Kaster 1901-1901 Father A H Huitink 1901-1916 Father Peter Van Heyster 1916-1925 Father Francis J Peters 1926-1950 Father Arnold Van Dyke 1950-1955 Father Joseph Kools 1955-1957 Father Raymond W Hietpas 1957-1976 Father Alfred H Hietpas 1976-1979 Father John Feeney 1979-1990 Father Leander Nickel 1990- Father Dennis M Ryan
The Town of Freedom published "Town of Freedom 1852-2002 Sesquicentennial Anniversary" book in 2005, which includes valuable information on the history of Freedom, including schools, churches and family histories. (All names from the family histories have been added into my database)
The book is available from the town clerk at the Town of Freedom.
St. Mary
2212 Day Street
Greenleaf, WI 54126-9200
Phone: (920)864-2550
Web Page
Established 1870.
Parish histories published - Just this short paragraph is what was sent as a response to a request for a copy of any parish historical information. Along with the listing of priests, shown here.
St. Mary's Parish History< /br> St. Mary's Parish in Greenleaf was founded in the early 1870's. It was started as a mission to St. John's parish in a Morrison. At the time of the Morrison parish was primarily Irish and the Greenleaf parish was German. The pastor in Morrison at the time of the establishment of St. Mary's was Father James Lane, a native of Ireland. Father Lane served in the parish from 1870 until 1876. He died in January 18th 77 at the age of 31 years. He lies buried in St. Patrick's cemetery in Askeaton. Father Henry Hunck was appointed pastor in 1900 and in 1902 the first school building at St. Mary's was built. The old school was originally a two classroom structure. The present St. Mary's church was built in 1917 during the pastorate of Father Anthony Koeferl. The present school and convent structure was begun on May 14th, 1971 during Father Earl Bouchoud's pastorate. The school and convent were blessed by Bishop Bona on October 29th, 1961. St. Mary's remained at the mission of St. John's in Morrison until St. John's was officially closed on February 13th, 1966. Father Emmet Weber was pastor during this time of transition.
Rev. James Lane
Rev. William Herbert
Rev. Anthony Abb
Rev. Nicholas Gallweiler
Rev. Andrew Andolschek
Rev. John Holzknecht
Rev. Englebert Blume
Rev. Conrad Saile
Rev. Athanasius Buschle
Rev. Amandus Masschelein
Rev. Lawrence Spitzberger
Rev. Peter Van Sustern
Rev. William De Haan
Rev. Francis Geier
Rev. Henry Hunck
Rev. Peter Nilles
Rev. Anthony Koeferl
Rev. Matthias Hauch
Rev. Frank Schoettl
Rev. John Murphy
Rev. John Haen
Rev. Gerald Van Nuland
Rev. Francis Helwig
Rev. Henry Arens
Rev. Earl Brouchoud
Rev. Emmet Weber
Rev. John O'Brien
Rev. Thomas Stocker
Rev. Robert Kabat
St. Francis
433 Cty Rd. CE
Kaukauna, WI. 54130-8964
Established 1848.
Parish Histories published in 1903, also 100 years, and at 125 years.
Web Page
St. Francis Cemetery Listing
Some tomb stones from St. Francis Cemetery are shown on the St. Francis tomb stones page.
In 1887 the parish priest, , listed all the members of the families of his parish. A partial list can be found on my St. Francis 1887 Pew List web page.
St. Francis currently (2004) does not have a resident priest and is serviced as a mission church to Holy Cross in Kaukauna. It was a mission church to St. John's in Little Chute in many of it's earliest years.
If you plan to search any of the church records available at the Diocese of Green Bay Archives, it can be helpful to know the priests names and the years that they served at the church.
For a listing of the priests at St. Francis, visit my web page St. Francis Priests.
St. Aloysius
2401 Main Ave.
Kaukauna, WI. 54130-3599
Web page Al's Parish.htm
Established 1964 (School established in 1962)
Parish Histories published - None have yet been published as of August 2004.
Holy Cross
309 Desnoyer St.
Kaukauna, WI. 54130-2103
Web Page Cross.htm
Established about 1873
Parish Histories published ?
Holy Cross Cemetery Burial listing ?
< /br>
St. Mary of the Annunciation
119 W. 7th St.
Kaukauna, WI. 54130-2356
Web Page
Established about 1885.
Parish Histories published at 40th year.
Holy Name of Jesus
620 E. Kimberly Ave.
Kimberly, WI. 54136-1599
Web page
Established 1907
Parish histories published ( ? )
News September 2004- Just a side note for your information...Holy Angels Catholic Church in Darboy is in the process of merging with Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church in Kimberly. The new bishop to the Green Bay Diocese is deciding the issue due to priest shortages and the growing community in Darboy needing more space. Kimberly's Catholic Church is nearly empty and is larger than Darboy's Church which is full to the brim) The new parish will be called "Holy Spirit," as of January 1, 2005. Each church building & cemetery will keep it's original name, but the schools have already merged to have a "north" campus in Kimberly and a "south campus" in Darboy called Holy Spirit School. So if you're seeing data from our area with this new'll know why. No doubt you'll begin seeing it within the next year.
St. John Nepomucene
323 S. Pine St.
Little Chute, WI. 54140-1854
Web page
Parish Histories published at 100 years (1936) and 150 years (1986)
Also see Village of Little Chute 100 year �Century of Progress� published in 1999.
St. John Nepomucene Cemetery listing of burials
Parish list of priests and years served. (Partial listing..... the rest Coming Soon!)
Sacred Heart
PO Box 58< /br> Sherwood, WI 54169-0058 < /br> Phone: (920) 989-1515
ST. JOHN the Baptist
St. John the Baptist is the name of the church which was built and dedicated in 1862. At that time the congregation of eighteen families, all of whom were German. The church was a crude though comfortable structure, being built of logs, and the furnishings were, as may be supposed, well in keeping with the general condition of the structure. This little community, which was located in St. John's in Calumet County, was at first attended by the pastors at Hollandtown. The first of these to thus administer to the spiritual wants of these people, was the Rev. Father Luytelaar, who continued to do so from 1861 to 1864. He was succeeded in these duties by the Rev. B. DeGoey, who continued to visit St. John until 1869. From the beginning of the latter year until 1870 the pastor serving this congregation was the Rev. Clement Duerr who was resident pastor at Buchanan. He was the last of the visiting pastors, as in 1870 the Rev. Anthony Leitner was appointed as resident pastor. He remained at St. John for a couple of years, during which time he managed to build the present church, a nice and spacious structure, in every way more suitable than its predecessor. From 1872 until 1874 the Rev. Father Lezno administered the pastorate, and from 1874 to 1875 the Rev. John Guenterscheod. Following him came the Rev J. Jaster, who was succeeded in 1879 by the Rev. Charles Buschle. He was followed in 1879 by Father I.G. Ritter, who administered the duties of the pastorate until his death in 1896, when the Rev. John Westkamp, present rector of the parish, was appointed. The congregation of St. John now consists of eighty-three families. There are three Catholic organizations in the parish, all of which are very active and thoroughly well represented. One of these, a branch of the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin, has a membership of thirty-five. The Altar Society for Married Women, Mmes. Annie Jacobs and Gertrude Pscherra officers, has sixty-three members. A St. Mary Sodality for Young Ladies, of which Miss Anna Fisch is president, has a membership of fourty-three. The educational interests in this parish are subserved by two parochial schools, which are in charge of school Sisters of St. Agnes from Fond du Lac. The number of children now in attendance at these schools averages nearly eighty. The Rev. John WestKamp, present rector of St. John the Baptist congregation, is a native of Westphalia, Germany, where he was born in 1836. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1861.
Tombstone photographs from St. John the Baptist cemetery.
St. Paul
PO Box 187< /br> Wrightstown, WI 54180-0187 < /br> Phone: (920) 532-4374 < /br>Religious Ed: (920) 532-0319 < /br>E-mail:
Established about 1858.
< /hr>You can find a complete listing of Catholic Churches in Calumet County here.
Churches outside of the United States are listed on a separate web page.
Churches outside the Fox Valley area that listed on this website
Detailed information can be found on Donald Schulteis' website - The Omnibus Portal on these churches;
Belgium, village (Ozaukee County):
St. Mary. (Ad Angelos) 1851-- (still in use in 1942)
Note: Organized in 1849 by the Revs. Laufhuber and Gernbauer. the first chuch destroyed in 1884. New church built same year. Prior to 1854 St. Mary was in Washington County. See (author) Henning, The Catholic Church in Wisconsin, page 368; also (author) Haug, Geschichte der Katholischen Kirche in Wisconsin, page 313.
Cedarburg, (Ozaukee County)
Fredonia, village (Ozaukee County):
St. Rose of Lima. 1860-- (still in use in 1942) 1860-1902, Mater Dolorosa.
1910--, St. Rose of Lima (still in use in 1942)
Note: Attends as mission* Mother of Sorrow, Kohler, Ozaukee County. For early history of Mater Dolorosa, see (author) Henning, The Catholic Church in Wisconsin, page 416.
Newburg, Ozaukee
In 1896, Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Newburg appointed Father Bernard Nuttmann as its pastor. < /br> Nuttmann was known as a pastor experienced in building churches. The parish appointed him for a reason.< /br> < /br> According to documents at the Washington County Historical Society, the church at that time, was finished in 1859, and quickly grew small with only 250 seats in the church. By 1896, Newburg had grown to 137 families, far exceeding the size of the church.< /br> < /br> In 1898, the parish created a building committee to explore options for the small church. Its recommendation: Build a new church.< /br> < /br> On Jan. 20, 1898, the church signed a contract with Joseph Hutter Company of Fond du Lac to construct the new church at an unbelievable low price, $11,400. Father Nuttmann was credited with getting the low price because of his experience dealing with building churches.< /br> < /br> The bricks for the new church were to be purchased from Kohler at a price of $5 per 1,000 bricks. More than 273,000 bricks were ordered for the project. To save money on handling fees from Kohler, the parish decided to haul the bricks itself. To entice families to help, the parish had a friendly contest.< /br> < /br> The team with the most bricks hauled from Kohler won cash prizes. First place won $10, second won $5 and third won $2.50. The parish thought this was a great idea as they saved money and got the community involved in the construction of the building.< /br> < /br> Each time a wagon of bricks came to the village, the bell at the old church would ring and the town's people came to see how many bricks were in the load.< /br> < /br> In 1899, the church, which at the time was considered unusually large, was finished. The church was built with wooden altars and Medford Stone - the type of brick.< /br> < /br> The last child baptized in the old, smaller church was Anthony Fara on Sept. 3, 1899. The last couple married was Matthias Michels and Theresa Buffer on April 10, 1899. Sadly, the last funeral at the old church was that of 10-month-old George Redlinger on Sept. 20, 1899, less than a month prior to the official opening of the new church on Oct. 4, 1899.< /br> < /br> The new church seats up to 550 people.< /br> < /br> In 1919, Nuttmann was transferred from the church, and since then, numerous pastors have taken position at the church, including Father Stephen Zohlen from 1919-1922, Father Joseph Bittle from 1932-1950 and currently Father Robert Sampon.< /br> < /br> The church was completely remodeled and refurbished in 1975. No catastrophes such as fire or flood hit the church in its 103-year history.< /br> < /br> The church, at 521 Congress Drive in Newburg, now has approximately 350 parishioners, Sampon said.< /br> < /br> < /br>
Port Washington, city (Ozaukee County)
St. Ambrosius. (Lithuanian) 1912- (still in use in 1942)
Note: Attended as mission* from Immaculate Conception, (Lithuanian), Sheboygan, Sheboygan County
St. Mary. 1850-- (still in use in 1942)
Note: Small frame building erected in 1849. First resident pastor, Rev. Bradley. Present church (Gothic) built by Rev. Willmes about 1871. See (author) Henning, The Catholic Church in Wisconsin, page 506.
St. Stephen. 1857-61.
Note: Actively maintained from 1852-60. First resident pastor, Rev. Bradley, who also was pastor of St. Mary until 1853. Rev. Russ Eder succeeded to the pastorate about 1860. Irish congregation discontinued as separate congregation and joined the Germans at St. Mary. See (author) Henning, The Catholic Church in Wisconsin, page 506; Early Catholic Church Prop., sheet 30.
Trenton, (Ozaukee)
West Bend
*A mission is defined as "an established institution, having a parish or congregation, served periodically by a visiting priest and having no resident priest."
SOURCE: A Directory of Catholic Churches in Wisconsin, prepared by The Wisconsin Historical Records Survey division of Community Service Programs Work Projects Administration. Madison, Wisconsin, 1942.
Name |
Location |
St. Mary's Ridge, Monroe County, Wisconsin |