

Due to privacy concerns, no personal information about living individuals, other than names, should appear visible to any anonymous visitors or guests viewing the pages within the domain. The privacy filter of the genealogy software automatically privatizes the files.

Sometimes, we will hear from someone concerned about having their name being listed in the database. If having your name listed is a concern, please keep in mind that similar information about you is publicly available when you are listed in newspaper announcements, such as obituaries, marriage announcements, engagement announcements, birth announcements, etc. Marriage records are also public records as well as death records. Most birth records of living individuals are not public records in some states, however, many birth, marriage and other records are available thru membership databases and organizations. Please contact us if you have a problem with your name being listed, and we will gladly make changes within a reasonable time frame.

The genealogical databases contain over 225,000 persons. Over 22,000 of these individuals or their spouses, are either directly or distantly related to Jay Wilpolt, the creator and manager of 1familytree. These databases are available online in two places.

The first and most complete database is here within the web site.

The second is on Rootsweb WorldConnect

The Rootsweb World Connect version of the 1familytree database is filtered automatically by Rootsweb and, to remove any information of living persons. They change the names of all living individuals and simply list them as "Living Surname". Rootsweb World Connect is one of the largest and most visited online databases used by genealogists and other researchers. Many researchers will find this information first and then contact us by email or visit the 1familytree web site for additional information.

If you find errors that need to be corrected, please simply e-mail us with the correct information. If you have information that could be added, you may want to email it to me or visit my Submit Info page within this website, or from the Submit tab on the web page showing an individual's information.

With some exceptions, the database contains most of the information that I have. Like most people researching their family tree, I have an "endless" stack of information that has "yet to be entered." Besides transcribing records into my database, information is being added everyday by myself and others. With the addition of the new TNG inter-active software, registered users can also add information to the database.

If you are a registered user, you are reminded that your user rights will give you privileges to see information not visible to other registered users or visitors to the site, when the page is for a person related to you or part of your 'branch privileges'.

This site powered by The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding ©, v. 12.0.1, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2025.

Maintained by Jay. | Data Protection Policy.


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It will NOT find everything that is in our genealogy database.
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